Expert-comptable dédié aux kinésithérapeutes
La société comptable ACCOUNT PARTNER gère la comptabilité de nombreux kinésithérapeutes à Bruxelles ou dans toute la Belgique.
Au fil des années, notre entreprise a développé une grande expertise en comptabilité pour ce service généreux.
Comme toute profession libérale, le travail de kinésithérapeute est soumis à des obligations fiscales et comptables.
Quelles sont les obligations d’un kinésithérapeute ? Quel est le meilleur résultat possible ?
En tant qu’expert comptable kinésithérapeute, ACCOUNT PARTNER est le partenaire idéal pour vous simplifier la vie, gérer vos comptes et optimiser vos impôts.
Le cabinet comptable a une offre sur-mesure et compétitive pour kinésithérapeute comprenant un accompagnement complet de vos dossiers, tant sur le plan comptable que fiscal.
Find us
We have developed tailored and very competitive packages that include complete management of your file, regarding both accountancy and taxes.
No hidden fees
no bad surprises
€ (excluding VAT)
- A customized and very competitive package. (all included and without bad surprises)
- All included price for your accountancy and your taxes
- Managed by a dedicated chartered accountant
- Managed via your personal portal
- VAT declarations (for an illimited number of documents)
- Tax declaration of natural persons
- Tax and social simulations (extimate of tax and of social contributions)
- Documentation and guide for your professional expenses and your income
- Advice on tax avoidance
- Advice on accountancy and administrative organisation
- Telephone, email or appointment in videoconference mode or in the office
€ (excluding VAT)
- An all included price without bad surprises, adapted to all your demands
- All included price for your accountancy and your taxes
- Managed by a dedicated chartered accountant
- Managed via your personal portal
- VAT declarations (for an illimited number of documents)
- Closure and deposit of the annual accounts
- Tax declaration of corporate tax
- Tax declaration of personal income tax for the manager(s) of the company
- Tax and social simulations (tax estimate, social contribution estimate)
- Documentation and guide for your professional expenses and your income
- Advice on tax avoidance
- Advice on accountancy and administrative organisation
- Telephone, email or appointment in videoconference mode or in the office
- Consultation de votre comptabilité en temps réel 7j/7 et 24h/24
- Transmission aisée de tous vos documents
- Accès à vos tableaux de bord 24h/24 7j/7
- Une communication fluide et efficace